How To Enable TLS 1.1 in Firefox 23
As many of you know, I setup my own email server back when Edward Snowden first leaked the story about the NSA's Prism program. I wanted to get my email off of Google, and not only make an email server...
View ArticleHow The NSA Bypasses Online Encryption
Ever since the recent Snowden leak revealed that the NSA has the ability to bypass most online encryption I got to thinking about how they would do that. I also wondered if the SSL protected websites I...
View ArticleThe Best Tablets for Your Student
Technologically challenged? Then you may not see the benefits of a tablet over a laptop — but your teen does. Whether she's still in high school or headed off to college, the features that tablets...
View ArticleThe NSA Hasn't Hacked Tor... Yet
English: Tor Logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia) In the latest revelation from NSA whitleblower, Edward Snowden, it turns out that the NSA and Britain's GCHQ have been targeting the Tor anonymity network....
View ArticleCheap VPN Service For Torrenting and Protecting Your Anonymity Online
(Photo credit: joe.ross) Well it finally happened to me. After years of torrenting I finally received a notice from my ISP that I had violated a copyright or two. Well, more specifically my dad...
View ArticleAccessorize Learning: Google Glass Will Change the Way Professors Teach
Photo by tedeytan via Flickr When it comes to technology in the classroom, 38 percent of college students say they can't go ten minutes without using some type of device, according to a study conducted...
View ArticleFail2ban Proven To Work On My Private Email Server
(Photo credit: Wikipedia) I mentioned a really great program for Linux that actively combats potential hackers a while back. It's called fail2ban. In short, what it does is monitors failed login...
View ArticleWhen It Comes To Anti-malware, For God's Sake Listen To The IT Guy!
(Photo credit: Wikipedia) So the other day my dad tells me that he can no longer send emails from his email account. When he tried to send it, he got a bounce back from his email service provider...
View ArticleUnable To Connect To RDP Server in Remmina
A while back I completely ditched Windows on my work computer, and went to Bauer-Puntu Linux. I've tried doing in in years past, but I've always gone back to Windows for work... Until now. One of the...
View ArticlePreparing Your Employees for 'Bring Your Own Device' Policies
Image by Michael Coghlan via Flickr 'Bring Your Own Device' (BYOD) policies have been gaining in popularity, especially among the 18 to 24-year-old working demographic. According to Magic Software, 42...
View ArticleTTR Corp Bought Out By WP Capital Partners
[San Diego] WP Capital Partners, a managed service provider in Southern California announced today that it has acquired Total Tech Resource, a well-established San Diego IT managed services provider...
View ArticleMore Ubuntu Sticker Action Shots!
As most of you know, I offer FREE Powered By Ubuntu stickers. I now offer two ways for you to get them. You can send me a self addressed stamped envelope, or you can just Paypal me the postage. On the...
View ArticleBauer-Puntu 13.10LO (Live Only) is Now Available!
I have some good news and bad news for Bauer-Puntu users out there. The good news is that I've finally finished Bauer-Puntu 13.10. The bad news is that there is a bug in Relinux that breaks the...
View ArticleFree Program To Share Your Screen in Ubuntu Linux
I recently sold my house in Escondido, California and moved back to my home state of Colorado. The cool thing about my move is that my employer in California let me keep my job and just work remotely....
View ArticleSnowboarding with GoPro vs. Google Glass
Sports coverage might be forever altered. Now, with Google Glass, we can see a hockey player's span of the ice, a footballer's view of the play unfolding or a snowboarders journey through the...
View ArticleMy House is Now 100% Windows Free!
For the last few weeks my home desktop computer, the last of the Windows computers on my home network kept blue-screening. There was something going on when connecting to VPN that was causing it. I've...
View ArticleWireless Frequently Disconnecting Lenovo Ideapad Y560 (Atheros AR9285)
I've been running Ubuntu on my Lenovo Ideapad Y560 for a while now, but ever since I upgraded it to Xubuntu 13.10 the wireless has been frequently disconnecting on me. The Lenovo Y560 uses and Atheros...
View ArticleHow To Torrent TV Shows Via RSS Using Deluge
I mentioned the other day that I preferred Ktorrent over Deluge for RSS Bittorrent downloads. Well I lied. I found Ktorrent to be way more resource intensive as Deluge, so I switched back. I also said...
View ArticleScript To Automatically Connect and Reconnect VPN in Ubuntu 13.10
I mentioned the other day that I replaced Microsoft Windows on my main desktop at home with Xubuntu. I also mentioned yesterday how I had setup Deluge with RSS so I can automatically torrent TV shows....
View ArticleFree Cloud Email Spam Filter
A few months ago when the first of the Edward Snowden leaks came out I ditched my Google Apps email account and went with my own hosted email server using iRedmail. It's worked out pretty good, but...
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