How To Handle NAT Reflection on a Sonicwall for a Cisco Expressway One NIC...
Holy hell folks. I ran into an issue over the last few weeks that seemed way harder than it should have been in my opinion. The problem I ran into was a mix of a difference in terminology between Cisco...
View ArticleGetting Exchange or Office365 Calendar to Sync on your Google Pixel
Merry Christmas to me! I was due for a phone upgrade with Verizon so I opted for the new Google Pixel phone! I went with the 5" model because I hate giant "Zack Morris" phones. So far I like everything...
View ArticleExtraTorrent under major DDoS attack
ExtraTorrent has been under massive DDoS attack for the last few days. It's still going on apparently. For the last few days users may have noticed their RSS feeds are no longer working because if it....
View ArticleTrying a new backup software program at home
For years I have been using Crashplan for home backups, but I stopped using their cloud service for backups because if I forget to renew they delete all my backups in the cloud and I have to start...
View Article3 Services Like Uber, But For IT Freelancers
I spend a lot of time thinking about the future. I'll be honest, I'm coming up on six years at my currently company that shall not be named. I love working here, and hope to keep working here for the...
View ArticleI admit it. I'm a huge professional wrestling nerd!
PThis isn't going to be a technical post today. It's definitely going to fall in the realm of geekiness though, and it's something I need to get off my chest for some reason. Sort of like alcoholism I...
View Article4 Software Tools to Help Run and Operate Your PC Like a Pro
We often use cars as analogies for computers, but it's not exactly a 1:1 matchup. With cars, hardware modifications are responsible for improvements, but with computers, both hardware and software can...
View ArticleMan possibly jailed forever for not giving up his encryption password
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)I am a huge proponent for encryption. I'm also a huge proponent for the 5th Amendment which protects you from self incrimination through testimony. Apparently a judge in...
View ArticleHow to fix WinEvtLog: Security: AUDIT_FAILURE(4625) caused by Windows Defender
I've written in the past about how I really like the built in Windows Defender as my antivirus of choice in Windows 10 and above. More specifically, I wrote about how to configure it for regular...
View ArticleVerizon set to royally screw over their customers with spyware now that...
Congress recently moved to screw over all American's by voting to repeal broadband privacy restrictions allowing internet service providers to actively spy on their customer's internet usage and sell...
View ArticleMindless Investing Made Easy
Have you ever seen Superman III where Richard Pryor's character came up with a computer program to rip off the company he worked for by rounding up company transactions to the nearest penny and...
View ArticleSuper cheap cell phone for my soon-to-be teenage daughter
My Daughter and Her New PhoneI am not like most modern parents I think. Lots of kids these days are walking around with the latest and greatest in cell phones because their parents buy them for their...
View ArticleWho the hell is @Venafi, and why the hell are they trying to connect to my...
I work in a company where cyber security is kind of a big deal, and one of the tools I use a lot is a host based intrusion detection system called OSSEC. Well, the other day I decided to also install...
View ArticleNow Virginia farm boys are trying to break into my email server?
One day after my post about Venafi setting off a host based intrusion detection alert on my email server, and me wondering if Venafi is a front for the NSA since they are stationed in Utah where the...
View ArticleSerious Alternative to Truecrypt: VeraCrypt
As many people know, TrueCrypt has been discontinued since 2014. The developers said that TrueCrypt had some unfixed security issues. In 2015 the Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology...
View ArticleI've replaced TrueCrypt with VeraCrypt on my VPS
A couple of days ago on Saturday I talked about VeraCrypt being the only real alternative to TrueCrypt, I also mentioned that I was still using TrueCrypt on my Linux VPS private email server. Well,...
View ArticleWhy haven't we found aliens yet? (Infographic)
Have you ever wondered why we haven't found conclusive evidence of aliens yet? Well, this infographic hopes to shed some light on that question. Check it out![Mobile users: click the image to view][H/T...
View ArticleI've switched from BitLocker to VeraCrypt for full disk encryption because...
"Damn!" you are probably saying to yourself, "That's a pretty harsh title to a blog post." Yeah, I suppose you are right. Still though, it's pretty accurate. I'm not really a fan of Microsoft at all,...
View ArticleUS Government Recently Passed New Pirate Watch List
With the new Trump administration comes an increase in the crackdown of online piracy, and with that the Office of the US Trade Representative has published its annual piracy watch list, also known as...
View ArticleExtraTorrent is down for good... Or are they?
Earlier today, TorrentFreak broke with the news that the famous BitTorrent site, ExtraTorrent was shutting down operations including all mirror sites.From TorrentFreak:Popular torrent site ExtraTorrent...
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